I have only a few non landscape works at the moment
I spend so much of the winter months abroad
I tend to paint plein air or rework the plein air studies.
consequently some of these still life paintings are at a lowerprice point due to their age.

primroses still life painting blue
winter primroses
24 by 18 inches

onion still life painting
onions at table
24 by 24 inches

fruit bowl still life oil painting
fruit bowl
30 by 30 inches

strelitzia flower bird of paradise
24 by 18 inches

spiderplant painting
30 by 20 inches

still life Art by greg long
trailing foliage
30 by 20 inches

peacockfeathers painting
peacock feathers
36 by 24 inches

Art by greg long
still-life with oilpaint
28 by 18 inches

garlic clove painting
36 by 22 inches

Greg Long, Visual artist, Waterside studio, 95 Darglewood. Dublin 16. email: greglongartist@gmail.com « » phone:087 8110708